Saturday, June 15, 2013

Late night thoughts from Mom

It is getting late on this Saturday night and of course I can't fall asleep because my mind just won't turn off. I just hate what my baby girl is going through. It breaks my heart into a thousand pieces and I would give anything to trade places with her in a split second. This was the first full week off of school for summer break and even though Ash has been at home for months, she still worked her tail off with keeping up with school work and was so looking forward to this summer. So far everyday this week, Ashley has been in pain and doesn't feel good to do anything. This just isn't fair!!!!!! She just wants so bad to start feeling better and as her mom, it is the worst feeling in the world to not be able to do anything to take pain away. I know God gave her this battle for a reason but I have yet to understand why. I keep praying that she will wake up each day and feel a little better then the day before but so far that is not happening. Everyday, I put on a brave face for her when deep down I just want to scream at the top of my lungs to take her Chiari away!!!
Thank you all again so very much for all of your thoughts and prayers for her and our family. One day WE WILL WIN THE BATTLE OVER CHIARI!! WE WILL WIN!!! WE WILL WIN!!! WE WILL WIN!!!

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